Monday, June 13, 2016

Who's Ghana Go?

Bekah Telfer- This Alaskan  enjoys doing such things as dancing like a crazy person, laughing at anything remotely funny, and giving out as many great hugs as she can every day.

CJ Zita- This modern day Hercules is more than a walking PT's guide to muscles, CJ enjoys helping everyone acheive as much as they can and lifting the spirits of those around him.

Jordon Reyes is a lifelong Lakers fan, but don't hold that against her, she is also a spunky, smart therapy student who works hard to help improve the quality of life of anyone lucky enough to work with her.

Lacey Seidl is a future physical therapist with a wonderful set of skills. She is a quick thinker and often finds a way to motivate even the most difficult of patients in order to help them maximize their potential. In her free time she enjoys showing off her fishing skills, a good campfire, hiking and going for a run with her dog. 

Lindsey Levanen
If Lindsey was an animal she would be a sugar glider. She is calm, cool and collected and can then leap gracefully into her hilarious sense of humor. She has the ability to think on her toes when in tricky patient situations and connects with patients on a personal level. Her inner goofball allows for the best of SNL character impersonations.

Liz Keeler- This wonderful caring Physical Therapist is constantly connecting with patients and is a pediatric whiz.  Working with kids who have severe Cerebral Palsy is no easy task for anyone, but when Liz takes over a case you can be confidant that all of her patients are getting the best care.

Matthew Johnson

Stephen Block: when this bald beauty isn't out conquering mount Everest or dominating your local climbing gym he is being a kind and compassionate PT. He is dedicated to meeting the needs of every patient he encounters.

Taylor Charbonnier... what to say. If you need a running partner with a kick butt dog, hit her up. And she is humble too...not above wearing sweatpants with wedges to show off the many facets of her personality. This allows her to connect quickly with patients and make them feel understood and in good hands. 

Zane Wise is the outdoor fiend who loves to fish, hunt, and camp in his free time. This Sweet Home, Oregon native is interested in going into neuro and geriatrics when finished with school.  Zane is a very dedicated person and has never been more sure that PT is the career for him.

Jeffery Houck is an accomplished clinician, researcher and artist whose passions exude from a life well lived. Dr. Houck savors well-written RCTs, 4-minute song intros, midtarsal kinetics, the moment a student's mind is freed, and love shared unbounded. In his free time he...wait, he has no free time. 

Caitlin Burbank is a healthy, active, rock climbing Physical Therapist who is as smart as she is crazy. She specializes in neuro rehab, and has fearlessly helped Dr. Houck keep us all in line.

oOur whole group at school in Newberg

Both groups at the airport in Portland.

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